b'CONFERENCES|who presented and tried to sell conferencethan educational, as the companies seek toatory conferences and shelling out hundreds attendees her self-published book. Surely anbenefit financially from a researchers needor thousands of dollars to attend a question-attorney would pick up that this conferenceto make conference presentations and pub- able meeting, the best thing to do is educate was a fake, right? Bus, like the rest of the flocklish papers. yourself by doing your own research. nin attendance, she made believe it was real, Below is a list that can help healthcare gave her talk and quickly scurried away in herprofessionals identify and avoid a predatoryErsilia Pompilio RN, MSN, PNP is a Pediatric white sneakers. conference. Nurse Practitioner, and CEO of Rogue Nurse I remember speaking to another youngConference topics have nothing to do withMedia 501c3. She hosts and produces Nurses woman in attendance who told me she wasthe conference theme. You may be asked toand Hypochondriacs Podcasts where she a nursing student. She was excited to attendpresent at a conference that has nothing atbrings together Nurse Experts, Storytellers, her first conference and had paid $350 for theall to do with your research or lecture topic. Comedians, Actors and Activists to talk about privilege. My heart sank and I felt bad tellingPoor grammar and spelling in the emailhot topics in health care. Shes a freelance her that this was, in fact, a predatory confer- invitation writer/blogger and teaches writing to health-ence and further explained what that meant. IAbstract submissions remain open up untilcare professionals.then added that she should ask for her moneythe conference dateback! She looked at me like I had two headsDoes the conference have awards forREFERENCESand didnt believe what I was saying. researchers and papers? Be wary of con-https://www.enago.com/academy/I then started asking others if they knewferences that promise a large number oftips-identify-avoid-predatory-confer-this was a predatory conference but mostrewards. ences/just looked at me as if I were Chicken LittleDo the conference organizers promise paper https://journals.lww.com/nursing/preaching that the sky was falling! It was aspublication? Most legitimate conferences doFulltext/2017/12000/Don_t_fall_for_if these people were experiencing cognitivenot guarantee publication. predatory_conferences_either.1.aspxdissonance of some sort. Deep down, theyIs there a geographic variation in terms of https://internationalfamilynursing.org/believed something was wrong, but theythe editorial board? If all editors came fromwordpress/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/wanted to believe people were there to listenthe same place, then this could be a sign of aIFNA.What-is-a-predatory-conference.to their research and that this thing was legit! predatory conference. pdfTo add insult to injury, most presenters wentDo the editors have any academic informa-https://beallslist.weebly.comlong. No one was keeping track of the time so Ition presented about themselves?https://ismpp-newsletter.asked to present at a different time than I wasIs the conference included in the list ofcom/2017/09/28/beware-the-im-allotted because I had a train to catch. Thereknown predatory conferences referenced inposter-predatory-confer-were now only six people left in the room,this article? ences-lure-the-unsuspecting/but I was denied by a man that said he hadThe conference occurs frequently every few https://scholarlyoa.files.wordpress.to present and leave since it was his birthday.months when most nursing conferencescom/2016/06/proposed-criteria-for-iden-I then took the microphone and announcedoccur yearly. tifying-predatory-conferences.pdf.to the remaining presenters that this was, inKeynote speakers may be listed without https://academic.oup.com/asj/fact, a predatory conference. I noted that I hadtheir consent article/37/6/734/2966192attended for free and that everyone left shouldThe conference seems low quality or https://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/08/get their money back! Again, I was met with aunorganized health/for-scientists-an-explod-sea of blank stares and disbelief as I made myThere are multiple conferences happening ating-world-of-pseudo-academia.html?pag-way out of the conference in order to catch mythe same time in the same space ewanted=1&_r=1&ref=todayspapertrain. You may never see or meet the original con-https://doi.Unfortunately, I have realized that thereference organizer because they dont exist org/10.3928/19404921-20181009-01are hundreds of these conferences prey- You are asked to pay to attend as a speakerhttps://www.healio.com/nursing/jour-ing on innocent people wanting to presentThe bottom line is that these confer- nals/rgn/2018-11-11-6/%7B5b0ef326-their research. Jeffrey Beall, a retired librar- ences promote poor ethics and junk sci- 6437-483d-9f75-60877bee32ec%7D/ian from Colorado has even put together aence. Nursing is an evidence-based practice.buyer-beware-avoiding-the-mine-list of predatory conferences and predatoryHealthcare is based on science and backed byfield-of-predatory-conferencespublishers https://beallslist.weebly.com. Heresearch. Predatory conferences are creating https://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/29/states: A predatory conference is one that isa smoke and mirrors scenario and exploitingupshot/fake-academe-looking-much-like-not organized by scholarly associations but isthe healthcare profession. Sure, it makes for athe-real-thing.htmlput together by revenue-generating compa- great vacation, it looks good on your curricu-https://www.sciencemag.org/nies. As Beall explains, the purpose of theselum vitae, but its fake! careers/2016/11/dubious-confer-predatory conferences is exploitative, ratherBefore giving into the false delusion of pred- ences-put-pose-symposium22 HEALTHCARE CAREERS|2019| www.elitecme.com'