b'MANAGEMENT|unrelated topics; invented words; and repeat-Questions and Answers, 2019). someone to ignore?ing the words of others, called echolalia. Selective Serotonin Reuptake InhibitorsOr, a human being and man with a severe Abnormal motor behavior can range fromcan reduce the symptoms of OCD. Cognitivemental health disabilitya person in need of agitation to catatonic behaviorremainingBehavioral Therapy as well as Exposureour empathy, understanding, and care?nstill for extended periods. Response Therapy can reduce anxiety and The schizophrenia description of negativesymptoms. Kate Noonan has a degree in Social Ecology symptoms refers to flat affect or inappropriateSupport groups are important for theseand a Masters in Occupational Therapy with affect, such as laughing to self. clients to share feelings and hear the experi- a specialization in mental health. Her current Clients often demonstrate no awarenessences/support of others. NAMI has establishedfocus is medical writing in mental health-re-of self-care; fear of social contact; and lack ofgroups in major cities for mentally ill clients,lated subjects.daily activities. their families/friends, and provides an edu-Medications, often antipsychotics, can pro- cation telephone help line: (800) 959-NAMIREFERENCESvide stability by their block of neurotransmit- (6264). National Alliance on Mental Illness ters. These include Thorazine, Prolixin, and(NAMI).Mental Health Conditions, Haldol. Others, such as the more atypicalINNOVATIVE APPROACHES FOR CLIENTS(2019).https://www.nami.org/Learn-More/Geodon, can cause significant side effects andWITH MENTAL ILLNESS Mental-Health-Conditionsrequire careful monitoring. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)National Alliance on Mental Illness Support from family, friends, and supportuses magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells(NAMI).Obsessive-compulsive-groups is essential for these clients. This thera- in the brain to improve symptoms of depres- Disorder. (2019). https://www.nami.org/pist/writer has helped clients with art therapysion. The repetitive magnetic pulses areLearn-More/Mental-Health-Conditions/to increase concentration; groups that increasepainless; are thought to activate regions ofObsessive-compulsive-Disordercomfort with socialization; and communitythe brain with depression; and can be rec- Western Schools Continuing Education. outings, often in groups with the experience ofommended when other treatment has notMajor Depression, Schizophrenia, Bipolar using public transportation. been effective (Mayo Clinic. Transcranialand Related Disorders. (2016).Brockton, Magnetic Stimulation, 2019). MA.OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE DISORDER On this theme of innovative technology, TheLuby, J. & Navasaria, N. (2010).Pediatric OCD is a glance at a young woman withNational Institute of Mental Health awardedBipolar Disorder.Evidence for Prodromal raw, bleeding handsfrom her experienceUC Irvine assistant professor of psychologicalStates and Early Markers.Journal of Child of washing many times daily. science Stephen Schueller a three-year grantPsychology and Psychiatry.In Western Many people have occasional obsessiveto develop a technology-based interventionSchools Continuing Education.Bipolar and thoughts or compulsive behaviors. Withfor anxiety and depression. Fifty percent of Dr.Related Disorders.(2016).Brockton, MA.OCD, these symptoms last more than an hourSchuellers study participants said they wantRigby, P. & Alexander, J.(2008). each day and interfere with daily life (NAMI.some sort of digital support or tool to helpUnderstanding Schizophrenia.Nursing Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, 2019).manage the symptoms they are experiencing.Standard.In Western Schools Continuing Examples of obsessions include thoughts ofThey prefer not to see psychologists; they wantEducation.Schizophrenia.(2016). harming something, or doubts regarding ifinterventions with apps and websites (UCBrockton, MA.one turned off the stove or locked the door.Irvine Social Ecology. Crowdsourcing MentalNational Institute of Mental Health Compulsions are repetitive acts that tempo- Health. April/June, 2019). (NIMH).PANDASQuestions And rarily relieve the stress brought on by an obses- It is always possible that some may pre- Answers.(2019).https://www.nimh.nih.sionsuch as hand-washing due to fear offer technology to 1:1 psychological treat- gov/health/publications/pandas/index.germs or repeatedly checking a door lock. ment because of wish for anonymity andshtmlAbnormal serotonin levels may accountthoughts of stigma. Negative attitudes andMayo Clinic.(2019).Transcranial for OCD. Genetics can be a factor; if a familybeliefs, as well as fear about people with men- Magnetic Stimulation.https://www/member has OCD, the likelihood of another istal health problems are common. NAMI hasmayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/tran-about 25 percent. added that stigma shames at least 20 percentscranial-magnetic-stimulation/about/PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmuneof Americans with mental health conditions,pac-20384625Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated Withresulting in decreased ability to ask for help. ItUC Irvine School of Social Ecology Streptococcal) infections may be a cause ofis a goal of NAMI to increase awareness andE-Newsletter, June, 2019.Crowdsourcing some obsessive compulsive disorders, follow- advocate for mental illness. Mental Health.https://socialecology.uci.ing a strep infection (strep throat or scarletThis therapist/writer asks readers to exam- edu/news/crowdsourcing-mental-healthfever). OCD can also become worse following aine feelings and perceptions about that home- Notes:K. Noonan, Therapist/Writer. strep infection. It seems the strep bacteria sur- less, unkempt man, mumbling to self, resting(2019).Content/descriptions have been vive in the immune system to target the brainon a sidewalk in any city, on any day.modified to provide confidentiality/circum-(National Institute of Mental Health. PANDASIs this man a possibly violent and scarystances and clients.16 MENTAL HEALTH|2019| www.elitecme.com'