b'COVER STORY| Todays professionals are busier than ever before.and to challenge yourself while providing an opportunity to rekindle passion about your Digital devices help to keep us connected and toprofessional practice. You can also make beneficial connections facilitate work, but how often should we chooseat a conference. Take a look at some of the key-note and other speakers profiles [when you are at a conference]. Then make a point of intro-live networking over electronic connectivity?ducing yourself and building those connec-tions. You never know where a conversation equipment while presentations may introduceFollowing up after the conference ismay lead. alternative ways of completing a skill set thatjust as important. If you get the approvalTheres a special camaraderie thats present you currently have. Also important is theand attend an event, prepare an execu- when a large group of professionals get together. ability to network with other colleagues andtive summary of the networking youIt has a synergistic energy. Hearing about issues expanding your circle of influence; one neverwere able to do along with the sessionsand means to address those issues from pro-knows what collaborative opportunities mayattended, your thoughts and takeawaysfessionals all across the country is validating result! While social media [and other digitalfrom these meetings, and any ideas youand makes one realize that we are all in this applications] certainly is helpful in expandinghave for implementation in your own unittogether, and together we have the power and your network, nothing can beat meeting a per- or facility. This increases the likelihoodability to do more than we can on our own. son, especially an industry leader, in person.that the employer will continue to (or begin to) support attendance.4. What does it mean to you to be an effec-2. Are more employers encouraging (andTake a piece of the facility to the con- tive networker while at industry confer-possibly paying for) their employees toference. Develop poster and/or podiumences?attend professional industry conferences?presentations and submit abstracts to con- While conferences are fun, they are also a What are some strategies that professionalsference selection committees. Work withlot of work. In order to be effective in net-can consider when broaching the subjectyour manager or interprofessional teamsworking, it is beneficial to be ready with an with their employers? to develop the work. Have the facility rep- elevator speech about you, your practice, your Although more employers are seeing theresented by promoting the great work thatinterests, and your goals.benefits of conference attendance, educationall staff members are already doing! I think its important as well to have your dollars are still challenging, but not impossible,Keep the ultimate beneficiary in mindbusiness cards available for sharing. Whether to come by. Some strategies to consider whenwhen approaching an employer. Reviewyou use traditional cards or digital cards, they approaching a supervisor regarding attendanceany patient survey scores and identifyprovide a way for you to share your contact at a conference include: opportunities for improvement. Find ses- information with others. I like to write infor-Do your homework. Review the con- sions that address these issues and whenmation about the individual or the meeting ference information and identify ses- submitting a proposal to the employer,on the back of traditional cards. Then, when sions that address issues that your unitemphasize that attendance ultimatelyI review the card later and reach out via email is addressing, such as staffing or post- benefits the patient. The ideas and evi- or some other way, I can reference the meeting operative care for a patient undergoingdence-based practices brought back toand be more specific in my correspondence. a new surgical technique. Then, pres- the unit, the engagement and dedicationDont think of networking as a one-way ent your attendance at the conference toto improving patient care that is inherentstreet! You have a lot to offer through your your supervisor as a form of research andin attendance, and the projected positiveconnections and talents. Good networking development. Let your employer knowoutcomes are great reasons to supportdevelops not only your connections but should which sessions you are most interested inattendance.also help those you just met. Can you intro-and how the information can be used toduce this new contact to someone you already bring ideas back to your unit.3. Aside from CE, what are motivators thatknow?Attendance at a conference is an invest- you use try to encourage staff and colleaguesI also think its beneficial to make the ment for the professional and the facil- to attend professional conferences? rounds. Introduce yourself to the sponsors and ity. Present a plan to employers that willAttending conferences is an investment inthose exhibiting, and thank them. Make your allow them to see that they will receive ayourself and your professional practice. Itconversations casual at first and, if the con-return on their investment by giving paidhelps refill the cup that so often becomesversation progresses, you can discuss mutual education time or paying for the confer- depleted when we give of ourselves day in andinterests and the potential for future collabo-ence registration and travel.day out. A good conference allows you to growration. A method that I use in my initial con-6 EDUCATION|2019| www.elitecme.com'