b'LEADERSHIP GUIDE|TABLE 1Official Do Not Use ListDo not use Potential problem Use insteadU, u (unit). Mistaken for 0 (zero), the number 4Write unit.(four) or ccIU (International Unit). Mistaken for IV (intravenous) or theWrite International Unit.number 10 (ten).Q.D., QD, q.d., qd (daily). Mistaken for each other. Period after theWrite daily.Q.O.D., QOD, q.o.d, qod(everyQ mistaken for I and the O mistakenWrite every other day.other day). for I.Trailing zero (X.O mg).* Lack ofDecimal point is missed. Write X mg. leading zero (.X mg). Write O.X mg.MS.Can mean morphine sulfate orWrite morphine sulfate.MSO 4and MgS0 4 . magnesium sulfate. Confused for oneWrite magnesium sulfate.another.Source: The Joint Commission. (20186). Facts about the official Do Not Use List. Retrieved from https://www.jointcommission.org/facts about do not use list / .1 Applies to all orders and all medication-related documentation that is handwritten (including free-text computer entry) or on pre-printed forms.*Exception: A trailing zero may be used only where required to demonstrate the level of precision of the value being reported, such as for laboratory results, imaging studies that report size of lesions, or catheter/tube sizes. It may not be used in medication orders or other medication-related documentation.The Joint Commission has also identified additional abbreviations, acronyms, and symbols that may be included in the Do Not Use List in the future. These items are found in Table 2.THE10RIGHTSOFMEDICATIONleague double check your calculationsication? Avoid questions with simple ADMINISTRATION(e.g. insulin doses). yes or no answers. Instead, have the Over the years, the original five rightsRight route. Check the order, confirmpatient/family demonstrate how to of medication administration have beenappropriateness of route, and evaluateadminister the medication, describe expanded. Some sources identify eightif the patient can to tolerate the routewhy it is being taken, tell when and how rights; other sources list as many as 10.as ordered. it should be taken, etc.The following list of 10 rights of medica- Right time. Check the frequency of theRight documentation. Ensure that tion administration expand on the originalordered medication, ensure that youyou have documented the medication five to include the evaluation of medicationare administering the medication at theadministration after it has been admin-effectiveness (Bodell, 2015). right time, and confirm when the lastistered, not before. If the patient refuses Right patient. Use at least two identi- dose was given. or if the medication was withheld, be fiers to confirm that the right patient isRight patient education. Determinesure to document why.receiving the medication as prescribed. the patient and/or familys knowledgeRight to refuse. Patients have a right Right medication. Check the nameof the drug. Education should includeto refuse medication. If this occurs, of the medication, compare it to whatwhat the medication is for; when tobe sure to document why the refusal has been ordered, and check the expi- take it; how to take it; how much tooccurred and what you did about it (e.g. ration date. Make sure medications aretake; how often to take it; any spe- notify the prescriber).reviewed and renewed as appropriate. cial instructions (e.g. take with food);Right assessment. Confirm the need Right dose. Compare the dose to thepossible side effects; and what to do iffor the medication and check for con-order and confirm the appropriate- side effects occur. Patients and fami- traindications. Obtain a baseline obser-ness of the dose per drug guidelines. Iflies should not simply be asked Dovation (e.g. pulse rate) if required.calculations are necessary, have a col- you understand how to take your med- Right evaluation. Evaluate the effec-18 LEADERSHIP GUIDE|2020| www.elitecme.com'