b'INFECTIOUS DISEASE GUIDE|two of which are new this year and five of(MRSA) outbreaks in facilities such as public which are deemed urgent. health facilities and National Football League Antibiotic resistance remains a significantlocker rooms.One Health problem, affecting humans, ani- This report led to involvement from the mals, and the environment, read a CDC info- highest levels of government, culminating graphic. Data show infection prevention andin the release of the National Action Plan control is saving lives especially in hospitalsfor Combating Antibiotic Resistant Bacteriabut threats may undermine this progress(CARB), a five-year goal-driven roadmap of without continued aggressive action now. actions to detect, prevent, and respond to The five urgent threats are listed asresistant threats. Beginning in Fiscal Year follows: 2016, Congress has supported CARB activi-Drug-resistant Candida auris (new thisties across the U.S. government.year) Today the United States stands as a global Carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacterleader in the fight against antibiotic resis-(new this year) tance, spearheading spearheading One Health Clostridioides difficile actions and partnerships including:Neisseria gonorrhoeae Leading the Antimicrobial Resistance CRE(carbapenem-resistant(AMR) ChallengeEnterobacteriaceae) Advancing the antibiotic resistance call-The watch list identified three additionalto-action at the 2016 United Nations germs that have not reached a point of wide-The CDC reportedGeneral Assemblyspread resistance or are not well understoodCollaborating with WHO and other in the United States as yet. Nonetheless, the2.87 million antibiotic- nationsCDC and other health experts continue toServing as a founding member of closely monitor: resistant bacteriathe Global Antimicrobial Resistance Azole-resistant Aspergillus fumigatus and fungi-relatedResearch & Development HubDrug-resistant Mycoplasma genitalium Joining experts from the European Drug-resistant Bordetella pertussis infections annually,Union, Canada, and Norway to Overall, there has been significant prog- form the Transatlantic Taskforce on ress in preventing infections and deaths fromwith 35,900 deathsAntimicrobial Resistance (TATFAR)resistant germs typically associated withImplementing national programs to hospitals. Deaths from antibiotic-resistantoccurring as a result. detect, prevent, and treat antibiotic-re-infections in hospitals went down 28 percentsistant infectionsbetween 2012 to 2017. But antibiotic-resistantWithin its full report, CDC highlights its germs often found in healthcare, includingRapid detection and prevention strategiesown involvement in leading the U.S. public CRE and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcushave helped protect people from two com- health response through successful collabo-aureus (MRSA), caused more than 85 percentmunity-associated germs: drug-resistantration with healthcare and industry partners, of the total deaths calculated in the report. Streptococcus pneumoniae and drug-resis- while establishing strong relationships within The CDCs recommended strategies havetant tuberculosis (TB). Vaccines have helpedacademia and government.helped hospitals and public health depart- reduce infections from Streptococcus pneu- Antibiotic resistance continues to emerge ments combat the antibiotic-resistant threatsmoniae in many at-risk groups, and theand spread, reads the report, and the drug, across the nation. These strategies included: drug-resistant TB cases in the United Statesdiagnostic, and vaccine discovery pipeline Preventing spread of germs remain stable due to effective TB controlare also complex and increasingly fragile. The Preventing device- and procedure-re- strategies. world needs heightened vigilance and pub-lated infections lic health engagement to contain resistance Implementing the Containment StrategyCOMBATTING RESISTANCE WITHIN THEthreats whenever and wherever they emerge. to stop spread of emerging threats, UNITED STATES Swift public health action is fundamental to Improving antibiotic use in outpatientWhen CDC published the first AR Threatssave lives.nsettings by five percent report in 2013, it doubled as an alarm for Further preventing infections, includingthe growing threat of antibiotic-resistantSOURCE:CDC, Antibiotic Resistance Threats getting ahead of sepsis, and stopping thegerms. The report came in the wake of ain the United States (AR Threats Report) 2013 spread of germs will save more lives. few well-publicized Staphylococcus aureusand 2019.14 INFECTIOUS DISEASE GUIDE|2020| www.elitecme.com'