b'|SALARY SURVEYAverage salary by ethnicity and gender across all respondentsAsian / PacificBlack or AfricanHispanic orNative AmericanOther (pleaseWhiteIslander American Latino or Americanspecify)Indian $89,070 $89,344 $80,500 $73,057 $74,072 $108,000 $77,757 $87,316 $83,291 $61,500 $75,000 $70,805 $70,541 $40,500 $77,341 $97,398 $59,000$89,083 $73,171 $78,952 $81,332 $70,368 $78,420 Female Male OtherSALARY BY ETHNICITY AND GENDERWeve already discussed the male/female disparity in salaries, but it was interesting to see the discrepancy seems to be largely concentrated among our Caucasian/white respondents. Persons of Hispanic origin also saw a discrepancy, and most interesting was the decided advantage Native American females have over their male peers in annual earnings.www.elitecme.com | NURSES 2020 SALARY SURVEY RESULTS 15'